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Goat Farming in Odisha: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Goat farming has gained popularity in recent years due to its low initial cost and minimal maintenance compared to other livestock industries. With its high demand for meat, milk, and other products, goat farming has become increasingly popular.

Goat Farming in Odisha
  • Goat farming has been a popular practice in Odisha for many years. One reason why it’s so common is that goats are hard animals and can adapt to different climates and terrains. This makes them suitable for the diverse geography of Odisha, which ranges from mountains to coastal areas.
  • Moreover, goat meat is widely consumed by people in Odisha, making it an attractive business opportunity for farmers who want to meet the demand. Goat milk is also used in India’s traditional medicine and cosmetics industries. As such, goat farming provides multiple sources of income by selling meat, milk, skins, and manure.

Housing Requirements for Goats in Odisha

  • In Odisha, goats can comfortably live in simple and affordable housing structures made of bamboo or wood.
  • The first requirement for goat housing is adequate space. Goat houses must also have proper ventilation to ensure fresh air circulation and prevent the build-up of moisture that may lead to respiratory infections. Proper ventilation can be achieved by installing windows or adjustable vents on opposite sides of the house.
  • Additionally, goat houses should have good drainage systems since goats produce large amounts of waste that must be removed regularly. The floor must also be raised above ground level to keep it dry during rainy seasons.

Steps to Start Goat Farming in Odisha

  1. Conduct research: Learning about the industry and market trends is important before starting any business. Please do your research on different breeds of goats, feed requirements, housing facilities, diseases that may affect them, and government schemes available.
  2. Develop a business plan: A solid goat business plan is essential for any successful venture. Determine your budget, goals, marketing strategies, and expected return on investment.
  3. Location: Choose a suitable location for your farm with an adequate water supply, proper drainage system, and easy accessibility.
  4. Budgeting: Determine how much money you can invest in the business. Include expenses like buying land, constructing sheds or barns for goats, and purchasing necessary equipment.
  5. Please choose the right breed: Different breeds of goats have different requirements and suitability according to their purpose (milk or meat). The Ganjam breed is popular in Odisha as it can thrive in hot climates and resist diseases.
  6. Build proper housing facilities: Goats require basic shelter from extreme weather conditions like rain or heat strokes, requiring shade structures with well-ventilated space.
  7. Arrange for feed supply & water source: Freshwater should always be available along with nutritious feeds so that they can grow healthy. Arrange proper feeding facilities according to the age group of animals as per requirement, including green grasses, dry fodder, etc.
  8. Healthcare management: Proper vaccination schedule should be followed along with a timely deworming schedule.
  9. Apply for government schemes: Government schemes like Small Scale Goat Farming provides subsidy loan facilities at low-interest rates, which aids beginners who wish to start small-scale farming.

What Are the Feeding Requirements for Goats in Odisha?

  • Feeding requirements for goats in Odisha are crucial to ensure their healthy growth and productivity. Goats have a unique digestive system that requires a balanced diet of roughage, concentrated feed, and minerals.
  • Roughages such as hay, grasses, and legumes are essential to a goat’s diet as they provide the necessary fiber for digestion. 
  • The goat’s diet should include calcium, phosphorus, and salt minerals. These minerals help in maintaining strong bones and teeth while promoting overall health.
  • Providing clean water at all times is crucial for the well-being of your goats. They need abundant fresh water daily, whether hot or cold outside.
  • Ensuring proper feeding requirements play a vital role in improving the overall health of your herd while increasing their productivity levels.

In case you missed it: Innovative Housing and Shelter Designs for Profitable Goat Farming

Brown Goats

What Is the Government Scheme for Goat Farming in Odisha?

The government of Odisha has launched a scheme called Small Scale Goat Farming to promote and support goat farming in the state. Under this scheme, farmers are provided with ten female goats, one male goat, and necessary equipment at a subsidized price. This scheme aims to provide an alternative source of income for small and marginal farmers by promoting commercial goat farming.

Through the Small Scale Goat Farming scheme, the government aims to create employment opportunities for rural youth while increasing the state’s meat production. The scheme offers training programs to help farmers improve their knowledge in breed selection, feeding management, healthcare practices, and marketing strategies. By providing support through schemes like these, the government can ensure sustainable livelihoods for rural communities while contributing to food security and the state’s economic development.

Which Goat Breed Is Best for Odisha?

  • When it comes to goat breeds suitable for farming in Odisha, there are several options available. The Ganjam breed is the most popular choice among farmers.
  • The Ganjam breed is native to eastern India and primarily in Odisha’s Gajapati, Rayagada, and Koraput districts. This breed has a high tolerance to heat and humidity and can adapt well to the local climate conditions.
  • Another popular choice among farmers in Odisha is Black Bengal goats. These goats are easy to maintain and have high resistance against common diseases that affect goats.
  • Ganjam and common local breeds are also excellent choices for meat production due to their fast growth rate, making them profitable for farmers selling meat products from their farms.

Goat Farming Subsidies in Odisha

The state government has introduced several subsidy schemes to encourage and support the goat farming industry in Odisha. One such scheme is the Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana, which provides a 50% subsidy for setting up a new goat farm. Additionally, under this scheme, farmers can avail themselves of loans at subsidized rates for buying goats and other necessary equipment.

Another scheme is the National Livestock Mission (NLM), which promotes sustainable livestock production in India. Under this scheme, farmers engaged in goat farming can avail themselves of subsidies for constructing sheds, purchasing feed and fodder, and buying equipment like milking machines.

In case you missed it: A Guide to Small-Scale Rural Goat Farming: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

White Goats


Goat farming can be a profitable investment with relatively low start-up costs. It offers numerous benefits, including sustainability, versatility, and profitability, making it an attractive venture for beginners looking into the animal husbandry industry. Farmers can easily increase their flock size without purchasing more breeding stock frequently.



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