A Comprehensive Guide to Goat Farming in Saudi Arabia

Goat farming has gained popularity in Saudi Arabia due to its several benefits and potential for high returns. It is the practice of raising goats for various purposes, such as milk, meat, and fiber production. It is a highly profitable and sustainable agricultural venture that has gained popularity in Saudi Arabia.

Goat Farming in Saudi Arabia

Benefits of Goat Farming in Saudi Arabia

  • One of the main reasons why goat farming is so popular is because goats are adaptable animals that can thrive in diverse climates and terrains. They are well-suited to the arid conditions of Saudi Arabia and require minimal maintenance compared to other livestock.
  • There is a high demand for goat meat and milk products in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, goat milk has gained popularity due to its nutritional value and potential health benefits.
  • Moreover, goat farming requires relatively low investment compared to other livestock ventures. 
  • Furthermore, goats reproduce quickly and have shorter gestation periods than other livestock species. This means that farmers can build up their herd size relatively fast and increase their production capacity within a short period.

Housing and Fencing Requirement for Goat Farming in Saudi Arabia

  • Goats require a safe and secure shelter that protects them from harsh weather conditions such as extreme heat or cold. It should also provide adequate ventilation to prevent respiratory issues.
  • The size of the housing structure will depend on the number of goats you plan to raise. Generally, each goat requires around 15-20 square feet of space. Ensure that the flooring is easy to clean and provides good drainage.
  • Fencing is crucial for keeping your goats within their designated area while protecting them from predators. 

Requirements for Starting a Goat Farm in Saudi Arabia

  • Starting a goat farm in Saudi Arabia requires careful planning and consideration. Firstly, you need suitable land for the goats to graze and roam freely. The farm size will depend on how many goats you plan to raise.
  • Good quality fencing is essential for the security and well-being of your herd.
  • Another important requirement is access to clean water sources. 
  • Additionally, acquiring healthy breeding stock is vital for starting a successful goat farm. Choosing reputable breeders who can provide high-quality animals free from diseases is advisable.
  • Knowing goat farming practices and basic veterinary care is essential. Learning about goat management techniques will help you raise healthy and productive goats.

Choosing the Right Breed of Goats in Saudi Arabia

  • There are currently several goat breeds in Arabia, including the Harri, Ardi, Habsi, Masri, Hejazi, and Najd.
  • With approximately 2.2 million goats living in Saudi Arabia, there is a wide variety of goat breeds to choose from when starting your goat farm. Each breed has unique characteristics and strengths that can contribute to the success of your farming venture.
  • One popular breed in Saudi Arabia is the Harri goat. Known for their hardiness and adaptability to harsh desert climates, Harri goats are well-suited for the arid conditions often found in the region. 
  • Another breed commonly found in Saudi Arabia is the Ardi goat. These goats are known for their high milk production and can be profitable for those interested in dairy farming.
  • The Habsi breed is also prevalent in Saudi Arabia due to its ability to thrive on sparse vegetation found in mountainous regions. 
  • Masri goats are another popular choice among farmers as they possess excellent maternal instincts and have good growth rates. They are known for their meat quality, making them suitable for meat production and crossbreeding with other breeds.
  • Hejazi goats, native to the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia, are prized for their superior wool quality. 

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Goat Shelter

Feeding Methods and Practices in Goat Farming in Saudi Arabia

  • One of the most important aspects is providing proper nutrition to your goats. Good feeding practices ensure that your goats stay healthy and productive.
  • Goats are known as browsers rather than grazers, which means they prefer eating leaves, twigs, and shrubs over grass. Providing a variety of forages such as alfalfa hay or browse plants can help meet their nutritional needs.
  • In addition to forage, concentrate feeds are crucial in goat nutrition. These include grains like corn or barley, protein sources like soybean meal or cottonseed meal, and mineral supplements. The type and amount of concentrates depend on age, breed, body condition score (BCS), and purpose of raising goats.
  • Feeding frequency varies depending on the age group of your goats. Young kids should be fed small amounts multiple times daily, while adult goats typically require two meals daily.

Management Tips for Raising Healthy Goats

  • Provide a clean and comfortable living environment for your goats. Regularly clean their pens or shelters to prevent the buildup of waste and bacteria. Adequate ventilation is also important to prevent respiratory issues.
  • Ensure that your goats have access to fresh water at all times. Goats require plenty of water for digestion and overall health. It’s important to check their water sources and refill them as needed regularly.
  • Regular exercise is essential for the well-being of your goats. Allow them ample space in their enclosure to move freely and engage in natural behaviors like climbing on structures or grazing on vegetation.
  • Additionally, establish a regular deworming schedule for your goats. Parasites can negatively impact their overall health and productivity. Consult with a veterinarian about an appropriate deworming program based on the specific needs of your herd.

Health Care Tips and Management for Goat Farming in Saudi Arabia

  • Schedule regular visits from a qualified veterinarian who can provide vaccinations, deworming treatments, and general health assessments for your goats.
  • Provide a balanced diet of quality hay or pasture grazing and supplemental feed rich in vitamins and minerals. Ensure access to clean water at all times.
  • Implement biosecurity measures such as quarantine protocols for new animals entering your farm to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases.
  • Develop an effective parasite control program tailored to your region’s needs, including regular deworming treatments based on fecal testing results.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in barns or shelters to avoid respiratory issues caused by poor air quality or excessive humidity.
  • Regularly trim hooves every few months to prevent overgrowth, lameness, or hoof-related problems.

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Hybrid Goats


Goat farming is a profitable agricultural venture that can be enjoyed by both experienced farmers and newcomers alike. Goat farming is a great way to produce high-quality meat and milk products, which can be sold on the open market. Goats are adaptable creatures that can thrive in various climates and terrains, making them well-suited for the country’s diverse regions. 


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